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Challenging Inequality: Readings in Race, Ethnicity and Immigration Pdf Free

PITT 0210
1 Credit Required Course
University of Pittsburgh

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Course Overview

In the wake of the police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and many others in recent months, activists and scholars in the United states have taken to the streets, the workplace, and classrooms to decry anti-Blackness racism and telephone call attention to the ongoing devaluation of Black lives in the U.S. and globally. The moving ridge of uprisings that have swept the nation and globe correspond function of a long struggle of anti-racist organizing—one that can exist traced back hundreds of years.

This multidisciplinary course seeks to provide a broad overview of this rich and dynamic history. Built around the expertise of Pitt faculty and Pittsburgh area activists, this course will innovate students to the established tradition of scholarship focused on the Black experience and Black cultural expression. Information technology also seeks to examine the evolution, spread, and articulations of anti-Black racism in the U.s.a. and around the world.

The form will grapple with three key areas of inquiry: the roots, ideology, and resistance to anti-Blackness racism. Each unit volition exist focused through readings, lectures and discussions. First, we will explore the roots of anti-Black racism in the United States, drawing connections to African history, the history of slavery, and the Transatlantic Slave trade. 2nd, the form volition grapple with the ideology of anti-Blackness racism—the ideas that undergird the creation of racial hierarchies, frequently shaped by pseudo-science and eugenics. 3rd, the course will highlight the theme of resistance, paying close attention to the range of political strategies and tactics Black activists and their allies have employed in their effort to obtain a more just and equal lodge here and internationally. Significantly, the course employs an intersectional analysis—taking into business relationship how race is interwoven into other categories including ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality and nationality. Nosotros will use a variety of scholarly disciplines spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, the Arts, Scientific discipline and Public Wellness to explore these themes to help students understand how anti-Black racism functions in U.S. society.

Course Objectives and Outcomes


Afterward meaningfully engaging with the content in this class, students should be able to:

  1. Depict and explain cardinal ideas and concepts concerning the social construction of race and ethnicity
  2. Identify historical and electric current structures of power, privilege, and inequality that are rooted in Anti-Black racism
  3. Explain how anti-Black racism acts individually, interpersonally, institutionally, and structurally
  4. Identify and describe the contribution of scholars and experts on anti-Black racism at Pitt and in the larger community
  5. Clear and critically examine personal beliefs and opinions about race, antiracism and antiblackness and describe the weight these behavior and opinions acquit.
  6. Explain how institutions and policies contribute to and enable Anti-Blackness racism
  7. Place some of the many existing organizations that provide anti-racism programming and opportunities


  1. Students volition exit the course with introductory knowledge to participate more knowledgably in discussions of race, inequality, and other aspects of social divergence
  2. Students will leave the grade with an introduction to the Blackness radical tradition, resistance to Anti-Black racism, and strategies to be anti-racist in everyday life

Nosotros hope that this course will encourage students to go along taking other courses related to anti-Black racism and the Blackness experience. The course should also provide pathways for students interested in transforming their own function in confronting anti-Blackness racism.

Grading: This form is graded on an S/NC ground. There will be brief questions that students will have to reply on canvas after each lecture. These questions are designed to check for comprehension of the lecture and/or readings. There volition besides exist synchronous activities available, peculiarly during Black Study Week, organized by the Center for African American Poetry and Poetics (CAAPP) (see Week Seven). Students volition be required to nourish at to the lowest degree one synchronous activity during Black Study Calendar week. All synchronous activities volition be listed on Canvas. In that location will also be a short pre- and post-assessment survey that all students will be required to complete as well.

Credit: This course is a 1 credit grade.

Readings: All required readings will be available through Sheet.

Recordings: All recorded lectures will exist added to the Detailed Course Schedule below every bit they go available.

Class Schedule

  • Week I: Introduction to Course; Race every bit a construct/concept/Critical race theory
  • Week Two: Pre-colonial African History and Misconceptions of Africa
  • Week Three: Era of Enslavement
  • Calendar week Four: Reconstruction & Post-reconstruction violence and migration
  • Week 5: COINTELPRO - Pittsburgh
  • Week Six: Contemporary Black liberation movements
  • Week Vii: Blackness Study Week (CAAPP)
  • Week Eight: Health Disparities
  • Calendar week 9: Black Internationalism and Anti-racism
  • Week Ten: Racial capitalism/disinvestment in Blackness communities/housing
  • Week Eleven: Formal Schooling and Anti-Blackness
  • Week Twelve: Migration, Globalization, and Anti-Black Racism
  • Calendar week Thirteen: How to be Anti-Racist
  • Week Fourteen: Student Option (choose one):
    • Afro-Futurism
    • Heritage as Hate: Racism and Sporting Traditions
    • Race and Technology

Note: All recorded lectures will be added to the Detailed Course Schedule below every bit they get available.

Detailed Course Schedule

Click orange arrow to access more than information about each week.

Week I: An Introduction to Critical Theories on Race and Anti-Black in Everyday Life

What is racial domination and how does it affect what and how we know?

The objective of this module is to gain a sociological and cultural understanding of the significant of race, ethnicity and anti-blackness. Race is not a biological, it is a social convention, a "social fact" (a fact by social agreement). This module will explore the social construction of race, ethnicity and antiblackness in everyday life in the United states. This module will examine how theories of race is related to economic, political, and cultural forces in the United States and how racial inequality remains subconscious in everyday life.

Lecturer: Dr. Waverly Duck, Acquaintance Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recording:

Required Reading(s):

  • Desmond, Matthew, and Mustafa Emirbayer. "What is racial domination?" Du Bois Review 6, no. ii (2009): 335.

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:

  • Anderson, Elijah. "The White Infinite." Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 1, no. 1 (2015): ten-21.
  • Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. "The linguistics of color-bullheaded racism: How to talk nasty about blacks without sounding "racist"." Critical Folklore 28, no. ane-2 (2002): 41-64.
  • Feagin, Joe R. "The continuing significance of race: Antiblack discrimination in public places." American Sociological Review (1991): 101-116.
  • Winant, Howard. "Race and race theory." Annual review of sociology 26, no. 1 (2000): 169-185.
  • Omi, Michael, and Howard Winant. "Racial formations." Race, form, and gender in the The states 6 (2004): 13-22.

Week Two: Pre-colonial African History and Misconceptions of Africa

How can we challenge negative media images of Africa and Africans with knowledge nearly African civilizations?

This lecture intends to provide a brief history of Africa in the pre-colonial era. The four major themes that serve as the guidelines in the word are: Africa in Globe Perspective, which deals with the various cultural judgments, through media, that have come to globally ascertain the continent and its people; Themes of Early African Civilisation, which deals with the growth of African civilization that led to the emergence of early on nutrient-production, social and political systems, trade, commerce and urbanization, scientific and technological innovation, and faith and cultural traditions; Emergence and Growth of African Societies, which deals with the emergence of early linguistic families and societies, their migration and settlements across the entire continent, and the early stages of socio-political (centralization and decentralization) developments, which eventually led to state formation; Early African Contact with the World, which deals with Africa'southward early contacts and cross-cultural substitution with other world nations in Asia and Europe. Information technology concludes with Africa'southward concluding contact with the W, which somewhen interrupted Africa'due south gradual development, as a result of its integration into the then new 'global backer economic arrangement.'

Lecturer: Dr. Eric Beeko, Visiting Assistant Professor, Section of Africana Studies, University of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recording:

Required Reading(s): None

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:
(All video links will exist posted on Courseweb)

  • "Africa Earlier 1500 C.E." – YouTube Video
  • "African Empires in the Medieval Era" – YouTube Video
  • "African History: Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan" – YouTube Video
  • "The Greatest West African Kingdoms" – YouTube Video
  • "The Legend of Timbuktu" – YouTube Video
  • "Mapungubwe – Secrets of a Sacred Hill" – YouTube
Week Three: Slavery and Emancipation

How did slavery shape the development of the United States?

This lecture covers the history of slavery in what is now the United States, kickoff with the Atlantic Slave Merchandise and ending with the Civil War. In addition to a broad historical overview, the course will accost topics such as the development of racism, enslaved peoples' daily experiences, resistance and rebellion, and the codification of slavery in the law.

Lecturer: Dr. Alexandra Finley, Assistant Professor, Section of History, University of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recordings:

Required Reading(south):

  • Excerpt from Unrequited Toil, found at:

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:

  • The 1619 Projection
  • Ira Berlin, Many Thousands Gone
  • Daina Ramey Berry, The Price for their Pound of Flesh: the Value of the Enslaved, from Womb to Grave, in the Edifice of a Nation
  • Walter Johnson, Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market
  • Jennifer Morgan, Laboring Women: Gender and Reproduction in New Globe Slavery
  • Calvin Schermerhorn, Unrequited Toil: A History of United States Slavery
  • Manisha Sinha, The Slave's Cause: A History of Abolition
  • Deborah Grey White, Arn't I a Adult female?: Female Slaves in the Plantation Southward
Week Four: Who Belongs in the Reconstructed Us?

How did the Reconstruction Amendments and post-Civil War violence present two vastly dissimilar possibilities for the futurity of the U.s.?

This lecture volition provide an overview of the Reconstruction Amendments and the agenda of Radical Republicans. It will so demonstrate that the possibility of an equitable United States was quashed by white racial violence and political oppression that drove a significant number of African Americans from the South to the West and North.

Lecturer: Dr. Alaina Roberts, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Academy of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recordings:

Required Reading(south):

  • "'They Was Killing Blackness People': In Tulsa, 1 of the Worst Episodes of Racial Violence in U.S. History Nevertheless Haunts the Urban center with Unresolved Questions, even as 'Black Wall Street' Gentrifies,"

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media: None

Week Five: COINTELPRO - Pittsburgh

What are the long-term furnishings of policings strategic war against the Black Diaspora in Pittsburgh?

This week's lecture explores the celebrated phenomena of anti-Black police violence in America. Using documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Deed (FOIA), nosotros will examine the U. S. governments COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program) in the 1960'southward, targeting the Blackness diaspora in Pittsburgh. We volition talk over the violent police tactics used to place, track, harass, discredit, infiltrate, destabilize, and destroy Pittsburgh's revolutionary Blackness activists, identified equally enemies of the State.

Lecturer: Dr. Tony Gaskew, Professor of Criminal Justice, Kinesthesia Affiliate in Africana Studies, and Manager of the Criminal Justice Program, Academy of Pittsburgh, Bradford

Lecture Recordings:


Required Reading(s):

  • History of Policing in America

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:

  • Racial Matters: The FBI'southward Surreptitious File on Blackness America, 1960-1972 by Kenneth O'Reilly
  • COINTELPRO : The FBI's Secret War on Political Freedom by Nelson Blackstock
  • Spying on America: The FBI's Domestic Counterintelligence Plan by James Kirkpatrick Davis
Week Six: Contemporary Black Liberation Movements

How are activists today challenging anti-Black racism? What are the unique challenges of organizing for change in the current political climate?

This session, chastened past Pitt Africana studies and political science student Oluchi Okafor, will feature a conversation between Bree Newsome Bass and Darnell Moore, two prominent activists in the Blackness Lives Matter movement. They will discuss some of the tactics and strategies that artists and activists use in the intersectional resistance to anti-Blackness racism on the local, national, and international levels.

Lecturers: Darnell Moore, writer of No Ashes in This Fire & Bree Newsome-Bass (conversation moderated by Oluchi Okafor)

Lecture Recording:

Required Reading(southward):

  • Darnell Moore, Excerpts from No Ashes in This Fire
  • Bree Newsome Bass, The Woman who Took Downwards a Confederate Flag on what came Next, New York Times
  • Darnell Moore, Excerpt from Unbecoming, Affiliate 6, pp. 149-174

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:

  • Darnell Moore, "Urban Spaces and the Mattering of Blackness Lives"
  • Alicia Garza, "A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Move"
Week Seven: Black Arts-Black Study Week (Centre for African American Poesy and Poetics)

What function can Black Arts play in resistance to racism and the quest for liberation?

The Middle for African American Poetry and Poetics' (CAAPP) week-long intensive, "Commonage Protest and Rebellion," features poet Harryette Mullen, scholar Emily Greenwood, writer/scholar Saidiya Hartman, poet/essayist/novelist Dionne Brand, poet/performer/composer JJJJJerome Ellis, poet/scholar Erica Chase, photographer Zun Lee, filmmakers Charles Burnett and Julie Dash, poet Aracelis Girmay, interdisciplinary theater artist Daniel Alexander Jones­, and poet Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon as a way to remember in inventiveness toward collective agency and social alter. With urgency, we look toward the 2020/2021 bookish year as an opportunity to, in Fred Moten's sense of the word, "study" together, what he sometimes calls talking and walking around with other people, working, dancing, suffering, some irreducible convergence of all 3, held under the name of speculative practice. This week is an opportunity to engage in blackness study in customs during this time of upheaval and repair. It is hither that nosotros seek innovative discovery in the deed of creating equally productive of new knowledges that aid change the globe.

Lecturer: There will be a set of events throughout the week. You should programme to view/attend at to the lowest degree one event. Please meet the CAAPP website for the list of events. You can attend live on Crowdcast (registration bachelor on September 1st), live on CAAPP'due south Facebook Live page, or immediately afterwards on Crowdcast or our YouTube channel shortly thereafter.

Lecture Recordings: Not available

Required Reading(south): None

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media: Run across CAAPP website.

Week 8: Health Disparities in Black Communities

How does structural racism impact health and health intendance?

This lecture explores the impact of structural racism on health inequities, especially as they impact Blackness communities. The COVID-xix pandemic has made many of these disparities very visible. This lecture will examine why such disparities exist and what tin can be done to brand health condition and health care more equitable.

Lecturer: Dr. Tiffany Gary-Webb, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Acquaintance Director, Heart for Health Equity, Graduate School of Public Wellness, Academy of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recordings:

Required Reading(s): None

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media: None

Week Ix: Black Internationalism and Anti-racism

How have Blackness people in the United States collaborated with other people of colour beyond the globe to challenge anti-Black racism, and how were these collaborations shaped past women's political piece of work?

The lecture volition provide you with a broad overview of the transnational political networks and solidarities between people of African descent in the United States and other people of colour across the globe. It will centre the ideas and activism of Black Americans--especially Blackness women—and will highlight their global visions of freedom and efforts to link national concerns to global ones. Throughout the lecture, you will exist asked to consider how political movements for rights and equality in the United states of america—including the Ceremonious Rights Motion and Black Lives Matter—have shaped and have been shaped by global developments. The lecture will also grapple with some of complexities and challenges associated with transnational political organizing.

Lecturer: Dr. Keisha North. Blain, Acquaintance Professor, Department of History, Academy of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recording:

Required Reading(s):

  • Keisha N. Blain, "Civil Rights International: The Fight Confronting Racism Has Ever Been Global," Foreign Affairs, vol. 99, no. five, September/October 2020.
  • Keisha North. Blain, "John Lewis' Fight for Equality Was Never Limited to Only the United states," Time, July 21, 2020.
  • John Q. Adams, "Cease Autocracy of Color," The Appeal (1919)Amy Jacques Garvey, "The Language of Freedom" (1945)
  • P.50. Pratis, "Chinese Are Question Marking in Common Struggle of Colored Peoples of the Globe," The Pittsburgh Courier, 21 April 1945.
  • Website: "Digitizing Diaspora"

Recommended Readings:

  • Carol Anderson, Bourgeois Radicals: The NAACP and the Struggle for Colonial Liberation, 1941-1960 (2014)
  • Keisha N. Blain, Gear up the Globe on Fire: Black Nationalist Women and the Global Struggle for Freedom (2018)
  • Erik S. McDuffie, Sojourning for Freedom:  Black Women, American Communism, and the Making of Black Left Feminism (2011)
  • Yuichiro Onishi, Transpacific Antiracism: Afro-Asian Solidarity in 20th Century Black America, Japan, and Okinawa (2013)
Week Ten: U.Southward. Racist Housing Policy

How has systemic racism impacted U.Southward. housing policy?

This lecture will review the history of U.S. housing policy and how information technology created forced segregation and forced deportation. We volition examine gentrification and displacement using Pittsburgh examples and explore policy proposals for creating a more just housing arrangement.

Lecturer: Mr. Carl Redwood, Chairperson, Hill District Consensus Group; Adjunct, Schoolhouse of Social Work

Lecture Recording:

Required Reading(south):

  • The Racist Housing Policy That Made Your Neighborhood Alexis C. Madrigal: organisation/annal/2014/05/the-racist-housing-policy-that-made-your-neighborhood/371439/
  • Timeline of 100 years of racist housing policy that created a split and unequal America: https://www.shareable.cyberspace/timeline-of-100-years-of-racist-housing-policy-that-created-a-split up-and-unequal-america/
  • Rise of the Renter Nation: Solutions to the Housing Affordability Crisis:

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:

  • A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.Due south. Government Segregated America (35 infinitesimal listen)
  • The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein
  • 11 Powerful Headlines Showcase the Media's Focus on Redlining
Calendar week Eleven: Formal Schooling and Anti-Blackness

How has formal schooling acted as both a conduit for anti-Blackness and a site of Black radical intervention?

This lecture will provide you with an agreement of formal schooling as one of the about efficient conduits for delivering and recreating anti-Black. Specific examples from the initial cosmos of universities to current policies and practices in K-12 and higher education will be provided. Throughout the lecture, you volition be asked to consider how your schooling experiences have taught and mistaught you lot almost the origins of this nation and who is worthy of being treated equally fully human.

Lecturer: Dr. Leigh Patel, Professor, Department of Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy, School of Teaching, University of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recording:

Required Reading(due south):

  • The Black Radical Tradition Can Help Us Imagine a More than Just World
  • Dancy, T. E., Edwards, K. T., & Earl Davis, J. (2018). Historically white universities and plantation politics: Anti-Blackness and college education in the Blackness Lives Matter era. Urban Education, 53(two), 176-195.

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:

  • iii ways to speak English language | Jamila Lyiscott
  • Hip hop, grit, and bookish success: Bettina Dearest at TEDxUGA
Week Twelve: Migration, Globalization, and Anti-Black Racism

How does anti-Black racism bear on migration and globalization?

This lecture examines how people of African origin have become entangled in processes of globalization and migration from the early on capitalist period, to the germination of the modern nation-states and the contemporary era. It allows students to empathise how European imperial projects continue to affect the mobility and life experiences of people of African origin.

Lecturer: Dr. Felix Germain, Associate Professor, Section of Africana Studies, University of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recordings:

Required Reading(south):

  • Trump'south Anti-Immigrant Racism Represents an American Tradition
  • Why Should Immigrants 'Respect Our Borders'? The Due west Never Respected Theirs

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:

  • The Jargon of Globalization Talks | Doha Debates: Globalization
  • The Globalization of Hate
Week Thirteen: How to be Anti-racist

What can you lot practice to avoid bias and be anti-racist in your everyday life?

In this lecture y'all learn near implicit bias, how we develop our biases, and how the biases manifest themselves. We will review microaggressions and discuss their impact on the target. We will also consider ways to mitigate the impact of biases. Nosotros will also hash out what is means to be anti-racist and strategies you lot tin can apply to be anti-racist in your everyday life.

Lecturer: Mrs. Cheryl Ruffin, Institutional Equity Manager, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, University of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recording:

Required Reading(s): None

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:

  • How to be an Anti-racist past Ibram X. Kendi
Week Fourteen: OPTION i: Afro-Futurism

How does Afrofuturism reimagine the Black experience while combating anti-Blackness?

This lecture will explain the origins of Afrofuturism and its multiple forms (i.e. visual arts, music, literature, film, Afropunk). Using dissimilar media, this lecture will emphasize the empowering and liberatory aspects of the concept for Black identity as well every bit discuss how it has been employed to counter anti-Black racism.

Lecturer: Dr. Kaniqua Robinson, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Africana Studies, University of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recording:

Required Reading(s):

  • Commodity: Ogbuno, C. Brandon. 2020. "How Afrofuturism Tin Help the World Mend."
  • Giles, Chris. 2018. "Afrofuturism: The Genre that fabricated Black Panther."

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:


  • Anderson, Ricardo and Charles E. Jones. Afrofuturism 2.0: The Rise of Astro-Blackness. Lexington Books.
  • Butler, Octavia. 1979. Kindred. Doubleday.
  • Lavender, II, Isiah. 2019. Afrofuturism Rise: The Literary Prehistory of a Move. Ohio  State Academy Press.
  • Womack, Ytosha Fifty. 2013. Afrofuturism: The Globe of Black-Sci-Fi and Fantasy Civilization. Lawrence Hill Books.


  • Janelle Monae: Dirty Computer (Musical Creative person)
  • George Clinton/Funkadelic (Musical Group)
  • Sun Ra (Musician)
  • Rihanna (Musical Artist)
  • Meet You Yesterday
  • Go Out
  • Tales from the Hood
  • Dear
  • Sankofa
  • Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Week Fourteen: Choice 2: Heritage as Detest: Racism and Sporting Traditions

Racism is often discussed at institutionalized and embedded in everyday life. How tin can we examine the social components of life that are considered fun, entertaining, leisure equally deeply afflicted by racism and white supremacy?

This lecture explores ritual and tradition equally forms of institutionalized racism framed inside the context of heritage and school sports traditions. Ritual symbols and ritual practices that teach anti-Black and pro-White sentiment become learned and passed on through subtle and unmarked practices. School fight songs and sporting traditions are part of the ongoing interconnectedness of race and sport in American college life.

Lecturer: Dr. Gabby Yearwood, Lecturer and Manager of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recordings:

Required Reading(s):

  • Yearwood, Gabby MH. "Heritage every bit detest: racism and sporting traditions." Leisure Studies 37, no. half dozen (2018): 677-691.

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media: None

Week Fourteen: Option 3: Race and Technology

How does racial bias and structural racism impact technology?

Although the idea that technology is somehow neutral or exterior of human qualities is yet prevalent, this lecture argues that any chat well-nigh engineering science HAS to besides be a conversation most race. The same systems and histories that you have spent the previous xiii weeks discussing are the aforementioned conditions that produced contemporary computing – as an industry, as a suite of products, as our ways of connection and communication, as means of surveillance etc. I volition introduce a handful of contemporary scenarios for us to think through the importance of centering race as we seek to sympathise the means in which we use, are affected by and understanding technology in our lives and its identify in broader United states of america history.

Lecturer: Dr. Stacy Wood, Assistant Professor, Schoolhouse of Computing and Technology, University of Pittsburgh

Lecture Recordings:

Required Reading(s):

  • Noble, Safiya Umoja. "Google search: Hyper-visibility as a ways of rendering black women and girls invisible." InVisible Culture 19 (2013).
  • Nopper, Tamara K. "Digital character in "The Scored Order": FICO, social networks, and competing measurements of creditworthiness." Captivating technology: Race, carceral technoscience, and liberatory imagination in everyday life (2019): 170-187.

Recommended Readings and/or Video/Media:

  • Benjamin, Ruha. "Race afterwards technology: Abolitionist tools for the new jim lawmaking." Social Forces (2019).
  • Brock Jr, AndrĂ©. Distributed Blackness: African American Cybercultures. Vol. 9. NYU Press, 2020.
  • Browne, Simone. Dark matters: On the surveillance of blackness. Duke University Printing, 2015.
  • McIlwain, Charlton D. Black Software: The Internet and Racial Justice, from the AfroNet to Black Lives Thing. Oxford University Press, The states, 2019.
  • Nelson, Alondra. The social life of Deoxyribonucleic acid: Race, reparations, and reconciliation later on the genome. Beacon Press, 2016.
  • Noble, Safiya Umoja. Algorithms of oppression: How search engines reinforce racism. NYU Press, 2018.
  • Richardson, Allissa V. "Bearing witness while black: Theorizing African American mobile journalism afterward Ferguson." Digital Journalism 5, no. half-dozen (2017): 673-698.

Desire to Learn More?

Boosted Courses to Consider


  • ADMJ 0205 Constabulary and Gild: Race, Crime, and Justice
  • AFRCNA 0031 Introduction to Africana Studies
  • AFRCNA 0120 African American Experience in Sports
  • AFRCNA 0127 Introduction to Africa
  • AFRCNA 0385 Caribbean area History
  • AFRCNA 0586 Early African Civilizations
  • AFRCNA 0628/HIST 0502 Afro-Latin America
  • AFRCNA 0684 Race, Class, Ethnicity: Caribbean Feel
  • AFRCNA 1021 History of the African Diaspora
  • AFRCNA 1039 History of Caribbean area Slavery
  • AFRCNA 1201 Global Diasporas: Contemporary African and Caribbean Migration
  • AFRCNA 1250 Black Europe
  • AFRCNA 1309 Women of Africa and the African Diaspora
  • AFRCNA 1310 Cultures of Africa
  • AFRCNA 1330 Science and Technology
  • AFRCNA 1510 Health in the African Diaspora
  • AFRCNA 1535 Dimensions of Racism
  • AFRCNA 1710 African American Health Issues
  • ANTH 0711 Introduction to the Anthropology of Sport
  • ANTH 1719 Anthropology of Race and Science
  • ANTH 1723 Black Masculinity
  • ANTH 1804 Racism and Civil Rights in the United States


  • Form 32/HIST 1746 Athletics of the Ancient World


  • EDUC 2100 Pedagogy and Society
  • ENG 0627 The Literature of Sport
  • ENGCMP 0420 Writing for the Public: The Public Athlete
  • ENGCMP 0570 Topics in Black Rhetoric and Public Writing
  • ENGCMP 1270 Projects in Blackness Rhetoric
  • ENGLIT 0515 Contemporary African American Poetry
  • ENGLIT 0621 Introduction to African American Literature Approaches and Debates
  • ENGLIT 1225 19th Century African American Literature
  • ENGLIT 1227 Harlem Renaissance
  • ENGLIT 1247 August Wilson
  • ENGLIT 1715 Global Blackness Literature
  • ENGLIT1230 20th Century African American Literature
  • ENGLIT1262 African American Science Fiction
  • ENGWRT 1393 Sports Writing


  • HIST 067 /AFRCNA 0630: Afro American History 2
  • HIST 0670/AFRCNA 0629: Afro American History 1
  • HIST 0795/AFRCNA 0318 History of Africa before 1800
  • HIST yard 1200 Black Women's Intellectual History
  • HIST 1001 The Civil Rights Movement
  • HIST 1083 History of Sport
  • HIST 1095 History of Sport and Global Commercialism
  • HIST 1620 History of the South to 1880s
  • HIST 1628 The Black Due west
  • HIST 1720/AFRCNA 1720 West Africa in the Era of the Slave Trade
  • HIST 1725 Affliction and Health in Modernistic Africa
  • HIST 663/AFRCNA 0536 20th century African American Women's History
  • HIST      History of Women in Sport


  • MUSIC 1397 Music and Race: Afrofuturism


  • PS 1240 Politics of Diversity (Kanthak)
  • PS 1292 Race, Gender, Politics (Provins)
  • PS 1607 American Political Thoughts (Goodhart)


  • RELGST 1417/PHIL 1350 Philosophy of Faith & Race

Due south

  • SOC 0207 Folklore of Race and Ethnicity
  • SOC 0433 Social Inequality
  • SOC 0455 Diversity of America
  • SOC 0460 Race and Ethnicity
  • SOC 0465 Folklore of Sports
  • SOC 1308 Inequality and Society
  • SOC 1319 Clearing
  • SOC 1337 Identity Politics
  • SOC 2313 Race and the City
Related Resource

Black Lives in Focus

In Fall 2021, the University will launch the Black Lives in Focus initiative, which will include a large outdoor exhibition, opening events and public programs aimed at amplifying Blackness voices and Black experience. Black Lives in Focus celebrates the diverseness of our customs by amplifying and showcasing the value of Black lives and Black art. Read more about Black Lives in Focus.

Challenging Inequality: Readings in Race, Ethnicity and Immigration Pdf Free
