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Home Remedies for 7 Weeks Old Baby Constipation

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  • Colour, consistency and frequency are all important symptoms of baby constipation. Go on an eye on them when transitioning to solids and ensure your baby is well hydrated to avoid trouble in the nappy department.

    Constipation in babies is quite common, so don't worry. Discover out the almost common symptoms to look out for, how to preclude baby constipation, and the natural constipation remedies that can assist relieve your babe's discomfort.

    Is my baby constipated?
    What are normal bowel movements for babies?
    Does canteen feeding cause babe constipation?
    What causes babe constipation?
    How to salve baby constipation quickly
    Baby massage for constipation
    Acupressure or reflexology for baby constipation

    Is my infant constipated?

    Your baby is constipated if they take a hard belly and they oasis't washed a poo for longer than what's normal for them. The poo might be hard and painful for your babe to pass when it does come up out, in that location could exist blood in their stools, and they may also lose their appetite. Generally, your infant will not be very happy and they may well cry or strain when trying to go to the toilet.

    Wondering if your infant is constipated if passing gas? Not necessarily. Babies can pass wind quite oftentimes, and so passing gas might therefore just be part of their usual bowel movements. Await for any of the other symptoms mentioned above every bit well as the gas to meet if they are actually constipated. If yous're concerned your baby isn't putting gaining weight correctly, take a look at the average weight for babies anile 0 to 12 months.

    Constipation can become unsafe for your infant if left untreated for a long time. If your baby is constipated and isn't gaining weight or shows whatever other unusual symptoms then visit your GP or call 111.

    What are normal bowel movements for babies?

    The frequency of bowel movements can vary hugely between one infant and another, so consequently, the parameters of what's considered 'normal' are quite wide. This makes it confusing for parents trying to piece of work out whether their baby is 'overdue' a dirty nappy or not. Some babies will produce several muddy nappies in a unmarried day, others may only do one or two a calendar week. Just because a baby hasn't had a bowel movement for several days doesn't mean he or she is constipated every bit long equally the poo, when it does come, remains soft.

    Does canteen feeding cause baby constipation?

    Mum bottle feeding her baby on a park bench

    2AH4A92 Mother bottle-feeding babe boy on a park bench

    All babies can get constipated, but exclusively breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from constipation. Every bit a general rule breastfed babies do poos that are loose, squirty, and don't smell as well unpleasant. One of the reasons for this is that when breastfeeding your milk contains a hormone called motilin which aids bowel movements.

    Bottle-fed babies tin be more likely to become constipated. Formula milk can be harder for babies to digest and their stools tend to be firmer, darker and smellier. It's easy to not add enough water to formula milk, which can afterward pb to dehydration and constipation.

    What causes infant constipation?

    Baby food meal planner weaning 7 - 9 months

    Credit: Getty

    There are 4 main causes of constipation in babies:

    1. Incorrect formula mix
    2. Introducing solids
    3. Change of milk
    4. Dehydration

    i. Incorrect formula mix: Always brand upwardly bottles with the right corporeality of formula pulverisation to avert baby constipation. If information technology says level spoonfuls, then ensure you level them off. If the powder-to-water ratio is wrong then your baby could go constipated.

    2. Introducing solids: Solid food is a big aligning for tiny tummies that have been used to an hands digestible liquid diet. Some foods such as root vegetables and bananas can take longer to digest and therefore cause constipation. Innovate new tastes slowly and one at a time and then that you tin place which, if whatever, causes constipation in your baby. Attempt our ultimate baby weaning guide to become it correct first fourth dimension.

    Heidi Skudder, from The Parent & Baby Coach, advises that "Constipation is really normal when weaning first starts – even so it should pass. Offering your baby h2o with each meal, and add water or milk to their foods to increase their overall fluid intake. If constipation becomes an event, it could exist that there are some foods that babe is finding hard to assimilate. Y'all may want to simplify their diet until they go regular over again and then add in foods a second time, but a petty more slowly."

    3. Change of milk: Your infant might be constipated afterwards changing from breastfeeding to mixed- or bottle-feeding, every bit their digestion gets accepted to the new nutrition. Effort to stagger any changes to milk, rather than making them suddenly, to avert constipation and distress.

    iv. Aridity: Babies can become dehydrated in the heat or if they are not getting enough fluids. Dr Gerlis of SameDayDoctor says: 'Dehydration is the most common cause of constipation in babies. If in doubt you can add a h2o drink as an extra to their diet.' E'er add enough water to your formula milk, and if they are eating solids, then offer your baby a little water with the food to aid digestion.

    How to relieve infant constipation quickly

    Baby Constipation massage

    Credit: Getty

    Natural remedies are a great way to relieve your baby's constipation, so you don't necessarily have to visit the doctor:

    1. Actress water: If y'all're making upwardly a bottle, "add nigh i ounce of extra h2o to every feed and so the babe is always getting extra fluid," says Dr Gerlis. "For hot summertime days this is especially of import."

    ii. A warm bath: A warm bath may help relax your baby and ease constipation. Follow the bath with movement and massage suggested below whilst your infant is on the changing mat, and that might also do the play a trick on. But make sure you have a nappy or muslin handy!

    3. Change of diet: If your baby has already been weaned then eating pureed apricots, peaches, pear, plums or prunes might salve constipation. Try this easy recipe for blueberry puree to get started. As well you could give them a small corporeality of apple or prune juice diluted fifty percent with water if they are over 3 months.

    Baby massage for constipation

    Baby massage is another quick style to help ease constipation in babies. Try gently massaging your baby's tummy in a circular movement just below the belly button with babe-friendly massage oil. Follow this video from good Corinna Nicol, founder of The Mummy Circle early parenting community, to meet how massage can relieve constipation.

    Corinna Nicol advises that "Constipation is common in babies considering they have an immature digestive organisation. Tummy massage and leg yoga can convalesce the discomfort of constipation.

    "Massage in a clockwise motion around the abdomen, removing or rolling the nappy downwards slightly to access the abdomen. Ever massage the tummy in a clockwise direction equally you are following the path of digestion, from the large intestine into the bowel. Use an organic cold-pressed, vegetable-based oil so your hands glide over baby'southward tum. You don't need to press hard, but apply the same force per unit area you would use when soaping your little one in the bath. Sing your infant a song while you are massaging to keep them entertained.

    "Leg yoga includes moves such equally bicycling baby's legs in a steady rhythm. Bring the knees upward to the tum and stretch the legs back out, and take infant'south toes towards their nose. All these techniques help to stimulate baby's digestive system, and can be actually powerful along with tummy massage in helping your baby poo."

    Acupressure or reflexology for baby constipation

    Follow this popular video to larn almost the key acupressure and reflexology points to relieve your baby's discomfort and to become their bowels moving. The massage is easy to practice at home and it's particularly effective on constipation after giving your little i a relaxing, warm bath:

    Home Remedies for 7 Weeks Old Baby Constipation
