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Falling in Love With Jesus Again Series

"'As the Father has loved me, so accept I loved yous. Now remain in my love.'" John 15:9 (NIV)

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A friend of mine recommended a TV program she was sure I'd similar. It didn't seem interesting to me, but on her recommendation, I watched the offset episode. Every bit suspected, I didn't similar it. So I passed on watching information technology again.

But she insisted, "Please give it another chance. I'thou sure you'll honey it."

Because I trusted my friend, I watched the next episode. That time something caught my interest. So I watched another episode, and I started to bask the characters. They were quirky and intriguing. The more I watched the evidence, the more than I loved it. My friend was right!

I'd judged that show based on my superficial observations, just one time I really got to know the story, I was hooked.

Isn't this the case with many things?

We easily make judgment calls, certain we won't like something — whether it's music, a book, nutrient or people. Then, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy because we never actually go to know what we judge at the start.

Jesus can be like this, too. We've simply finished a flavour of celebrating Jesus' nascency, and for some, seeing Jesus as a baby in a manger is as shut as they want to go. Perhaps the grown-up Jesus seems a bit intense or enervating or narrow-minded. So information technology's easier to stay at a altitude from Him.

But if we keep Jesus at arm's length, we'll never become to know Him. And if nosotros don't get to know Him, we won't love Him.

If nosotros want to move religion from our heads to our hearts, we must autumn in love with Jesus.

To fall in honey with Jesus, we must know Him. Non superficially, but deeply. That kind of cognition takes time and persistence, just similar any good relationship. Jesus invites u.s. to bide in His honey — balance, stay, tarry — not rush past information technology. In John 15:nine, He said, "'As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. At present remain in my love.'"

Many of u.s.a. equate loving Jesus with obedience. Obedience is surely part of showing we love Him; fifty-fifty Jesus said that. But the dear Jesus wants is our affections, our emotions, the longing of our hearts. How do we get there?

For years, my organized religion was academic. I knew who Jesus was, believed He was the Son of God who died for my sins and chose to follow Him. I studied the Bible and did my best to make skilful choices. But in that location was always a formality about my faith.

Everything changed when I started knowing Jesus as a real person, not just someone to be studied. When I read about Jesus standing by a shamed woman, daring the self-righteous to convict her, I imagined Him doing that for me and loved Him.

When Jesus stood at a well, talking to a woman everyone shunned, I pictured Him talking to me despite the potential rumors and loved Him.

When Jesus stopped and healed a woman who in faith touched His cloak and was healed, I knew He'd terminate for me, and I loved Him for that.

When Jesus endured fake accusations, was betrayed by His friends, rejected by His ain, was browbeaten, crucified and fifty-fifty experienced His Father's face turned away so I could be free from the curse of sin, I loved Him more.

I could go on and on. There are so many reasons to love Jesus, but here is a truth to encompass: Jesus is real, and He loves us. And for u.s. to experience that love and offer it back, we need to know Him. Really know Him.

As nosotros stand up at the door of a new year's day, will you join me in seeking to know Jesus more?

Lord, thank You for loving me first. Thank you for sending Your Son so I could know Yous as more than a distant God, only someone I tin dearest similar a friend. Help me know You more and dearest You more. In Jesus' Proper name, Amen.


Ephesians iii:17b-19, "And I pray that yous, existence rooted and established in dear, may accept ability, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how broad and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this dearest that surpasses knowledge — that you may be filled to the measure out of all the fullness of God." (NIV)

RELATED Resource:

Sometimes information technology's hard to know how to beloved and live authentically for Christ. Wendy Bane's newest book, I Am Loved: Walking in the Fullness of God'south Love, releases today! It can help you identify the places in your life that anguish for transformation as you feel God's love in a existent, personal way. It's likewise our next Online Bible Study! To notice out more or join our upcoming report of I Am Loved, click here.


Looking to find true soul rest in the artillery of Jesus, even in the midst of our busy lives? So you lot'll enjoy reading the first affiliate of Glynnis Whitwer's newest book, Doing Busy Better, here.

Reflect AND Reply:

What's ane thing Jesus has done for y'all that inspires yous to honey Him?

© 2017 by Glynnis Whitwer. All rights reserved.

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Falling in Love With Jesus Again Series
